USA IRS : Avoid busyness: Taxpayers should have on hand information from your 2016 taxes

By | February 16, 2018
(Last Updated On: February 27, 2018)

Avoid busyness: Taxpayers should have on hand information from your 2016 taxes

IR-2018-30SP, February 16, 2018

WASHINGTON – The Internal Revenue Service, IRS, today reminded taxpayers who this year changed tax software product that might need information from your 2016 tax return to complete your return this year.

It is always a good idea to keep copies of your tax returns from previous years. This recommendation is even more important this year given that some taxpayers will need certain information from your 2016 statement – as adjusted gross income (AGI) – to validate your electronic signature on the declaration of 2017.

Taxpayers often call or visit the IRS in search of the transcript of his statement of the previous year, which is a file your tax return. But dates around Presidents Day marks the busiest time of year for the IRS season, and online options are faster and more convenient for taxpayers.

Busyness taxpayers to always keep copies of your tax returns, usually last three to six years, depending on the type of return filed can be avoided. Otherwise, taxpayers can try to locate your tax software provider 2016 from the previous year or tax preparer. Or they can use online tools to access the transcript of your tax return.

The electronic signature is the way a taxpayer confirms that the information on the tax return is true and correct. Validation of electronic signatures through the use of adjusted gross income is one way the IRS, state tax agencies and industry working to protect taxpayers from identity thieves.

Generally, for returning users, the transfer tax software product information prior year, resulting in an automatic validation process. However, taxpayers who use a software product for the first time – must provide the information manually.

Here’s how it works electronic signatures and signature verification :

  • Taxpayers signed electronically by creating a personal identification number (PIN) of four digits, also called a self-selected PIN. This electronic signature to validate taxpayers must provide their date of birth and your AGI from last year ‘s return or PIN auto selected the previous year.
  • If a taxpayer kept a copy of the declaration last year, you will easily complete the task. The declaration of 2016, the AGI is on line 27 of Form 1040; line 21 of Form 1040-A; line 4 or Form 1040-EZ.
  • If a copy of your 2016 tax return is not available, taxpayers can request a copy of your previous software provider or your preparer.
  • Taxpayers can also obtain an electronic copy of the transcript of their IRS tax.
    • Use Sort Transcription online to instantly see the AGI. Taxpayers must pass the identity verification process of Secure Access (in English). Select the transcript of the tax return and provide information only on the line of “adjusted gross income.”
    • Use Sort Transcript by mail or call 800-908-9946. Taxpayers who do not pass the verification Secure Access and need to request a transcript of your tax return can use the mail option. Allow 5 to ten days for delivery. Provide information only in the line of “adjusted gross income.”

Taxpayers who are assigned a Personal Identification Number (IP) PIN must provide it when prompted by the software. The IP PIN is used to verify the identity of the taxpayer. If the taxpayer has never before filed a tax return and has 16 years of age, you place zero as the AGI.

As the IRS, state agencies and industry taxes have progressed against identity theft related to tax, cyber criminals try to steal more personal information to file fraudulent tax returns. They know that only steal the name, address and social security number is not enough information to commit tax fraud.

For this reason in recent years some states require that the taxpayer provide the number of driver ‘s license electronically filed tax returns. States can verify taxpayer information against its database of driver ‘s licenses in order to validate the statement.

Many software companies who work closely with state authorities, require taxpayers to respond to your request the number of driver’s license in one of three ways: 1) provide information as asked, 2) indicate that the taxpayer does not have a driver ‘s license or photo iD issued by the state, 3) indicate that the taxpayer chooses not to provide such information. Taxpayers should complete this question with one of three responses.

The IRS does not require the number of driver ‘s license in the tax return.

When the system asks for additional information to professionals and taxpayers, as the number of driver’s license, providing this detail will help stop identity theft related to tax. Authentication and identity verification are key to ensure that reimbursement go to legitimate taxpayer.

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