What is Off-market debit transactions in AIS on Income Tax Portal

By | May 16, 2024
(Last Updated On: May 16, 2024)

What is Off-market debit transactions in AIS on Income Tax Portal

Off-market debit transactions are one of the 57 types of financial transactions reported in the Annual Information Statement (AIS) by the Income Tax Department in India. Here’s a breakdown of what it means:

Off-Market Transactions:

  • These are transactions that occur directly between two parties, without involving a stock exchange or clearing corporation.
  • Examples include:
    • Gifting of shares
    • Transferring shares between two demat accounts (within the same or different depositories)
    • Inheritance of shares

Debit Transaction:

  • In the context of AIS, a debit transaction signifies a movement of shares out of your demat account.
  • When you gift shares, transfer them to another account, or inherit shares from someone else, it’s considered a debit from your holdings.

AIS Reporting:

  • The depository (NSDL or CDSL) reports details of these off-market debit transactions to the Income Tax Department.
  • The transaction value is typically based on the end-of-day price of the security on the date of transfer. In some cases, the actual consideration paid might also be reported if available.

Why are Off-Market Debits Reported?

  • The Income Tax Department tracks these transactions to identify potential tax implications.
  • For instance, gifting shares might have tax consequences depending on the relationship between the giver and receiver.

What to Consider:

  • If you’re planning an off-market debit transaction, understand the potential tax implications.
  • Maintain proper records (gift deeds, transfer documents) to justify the transaction if needed by the Income Tax Department.

Additional Notes:

  • Off-market credit transactions (receiving shares) are also reported in the AIS.
  • The specific tax treatment of off-market transactions can vary depending on the circumstances. It’s recommended to consult a tax professional for complex situations.